Birra nata dall'unione delle brillanti menti dei vari birrifici partecipanti al calendario della Renna. Quest'anno abbiamo optato per una SMaSH (Single Malt and Single Hop) leggera e beverina. L'ideale per non appesantirsi in previsione delle abbuffate natalizie
Volume: 4.2
Type: SMaSH
some of you may already know me, but for those of you who do not know me, I want to introduce myself briefly: My name is Rennata, but my friends call me Renna. I was born in Lapland a good 2658 years ago.
I specialize in shipping large loads by sleigh: I worked many years for Santa Claus, an experience that allowed me to learn about the world and become passionate about many small realities scattered here and there.
I am particularly passionate about the Italian part of Switzerland, where I got to know so many good people, beautiful territories and small businesses.
One of my greatest passions is craft beer. Given the great dedication to this passion of mine, Santa Claus decided to send me into early retirement: for this reason I bought a small house in Ticino, where I moved to retire.
During my free time I mainly devote myself to my greatest passions: sleigh tuning, tasting and sampling beers and organizing projects concerning craft beer.
Once again this year I was able to bring together my friends from the breweries in the Italian part of Switzerland to create a craft beer advent calendar.
It is a full-fledged advent calendar, but instead of the classic chocolate, I decided to put 24 amazing craft beers.
You can thus enjoy one beer a day throughout the advent period. And this year you will be able to do so by taking advantage of the exclusive “la renna” branded glass that you will find along with the first beer!
Don’t miss the 2024 calendar, buy it now and be surprised!
La birraia è una mamma (da qui Mater) e le etichette richiamano i tre figli.
Birrificio artigianale di Balerna
Birre moderne e predilezione per il luppolo
Nanobirrificio di Minusio
Birrificio nato dalla passione e dalla voglia di condividere un prodotto locale nostrano